Toolset Skillset Mindset

Toolset. Skillset. Mindset.

Technology as a catalyst to amplify student agency.


How and Why we Innovate

Move forward. Lower hurdles. Bias towards action.


Lead. Manage. Coach.

Lead | Translate vision into action
Manage | Coordinate systems
Coach | Empower others
Slide deck


One Student. Big Change.

How the story of one remarkable 7th grader parallels and informs the way one district develops technology infrastructure and device deployments as we leverage technology to innovate the way we teach and learn.


Leading Change

Three steps to leading innovation at every level of your organization.


Strategic Planning

Customized strategic planning designed to position your school or district as a leader and hub of innovation!

Rule of 3.jpg

Rule of 3

Design and communicate a clear audience-centric message.

4c's are the curriculum

Start. Stop. Share.

START something new
STOP doing something that is holding you back
SHARE something great

Explore. Learn. Change.

Inspiring keynote examines innovative technology integration through the lens of adventure.

Designed to help educators rethink lifelong learning, success and change in education.